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ISCAR is a global organization that brings together scholars and
practitioners across disciplines and walks of life, engaged in just
transitions to sustain life on the planet.
ISCAR is a global organization that brings together scholars and practitioners across disciplines and walks of life, engaged in just transitions to sustain life on the planet.
It fosters the century-old tradition of cultural-historical and activity-theoretical research in educational settings, work and communities.
It operates at three levels of governance with country representatives, regional coordinators and an executive board.
Members meet in national events as well as in regional conferences and a triennial international conference.
ISCAR is a global organization that brings together scholars and practitioners across disciplines and walks of
life, engaged in just transitions to sustain life on the planet.
It fosters the century-old tradition of cultural-historical and activity-theoretical research in educational settings, work and communities.
It operates at three levels of governance with country representatives, regional coordinators and an executive board.
Members meet in national events as well as in regional conferences and a triennial international conference.