
Individuals and institutions can join ISCAR as via Ordinary Membership or Institutional Membership with a regular or reduced (student) fee. The fees are instrumental to generate grants for members who could otherwise not join ISCAR International and Regional Conferences to present their work.

Ordinary Membership is on an individual basis and the fee is 35/20€ per year.

Institutional Membership is open to institutions on an individual basis and the fee is 300/200€ per year for up to 10 regular members/students. 

Payments are handled through Paypal.  Preferred method is credit card. For credit card payment there is NO need of a Paypal account. 

Membership fees are intended for the calendar year in which the payment took place. It is also possible to join ISCAR with Regular or Reduced 3 year membership (85€/60€ for Ordinary Members and 255€/180€ for Institutional Members).

ISCAR Treasurer Margarida Romero welcomes possible queries on membership:

A free or further reduced 1-year membership is also possible. To apply for this, please make your case in writing to the ISCAR Treasurer who will bring the application with her related proposal to the Executive Board.

The criterion for granting a further reduced fee or for awarding a free membership is based on a low income or circumstances where exchange rates and/or the applicant's income make ISCAR fees excessive in relative terms.



