ISCAR 2024, Rotterdam, NL. 26 – 30 August 2024.

The local organising committee is happy to inform you that the next international ISCAR congress will be held in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, from 26 – 30 August 2024.

The theme of this meeting is ‘Inclusiveness as a future challenge’. We strive to offer new perspectives on creating opportunities for all people to participate in sociocultural practices, and interact with each other and the world around them. Use of diverse voices and interaction are crucial to deal with the complex challenges of the current and future world, such as climate change, inequality and technology. This congress brings together a diverse population of researchers and practitioners who base their work on Cultural-Historical Activity Theory (CHAT).

Please find all information, including the call for proposals, on the congress website:, and make sure to sign up for the congress newsletter to keep informed!